Video content that's as easy and natural as a coffee date with a friend

Video content that's as easy and natural as a coffee date with a friend

Video content that's as easy and natural as a coffee date with a friend

Let's date

Let's date

1 take instead of 50.
1 hour instead of 10.
A whole month's content — sorted.

1 take instead of 50.
1 hour instead of 10.
A whole month's content
— sorted.

Coffee Date Content

Coffee Date Content

Coffee Date Content

"I know I should be making videos, but it's awkward and I hate doing it"

"I know I should be making videos, but it's awkward and I hate doing it"

I hear so many business owners say this.

I hear so many business owners say this.

And yes, you should be making videos. It's one of the most effective ways to build brand awareness and demonstrate your expertise, value, and authenticity.

At the risk of sounding like a marketing bro, if you aren't leveraging video, you will fall behind.

But it doesn't need to be something you dread. In fact, we can get it done over a chill-as-fuck coffee chat.

Here's how it works

Here's how it works

(Well, this is the default and a great place to start. We can customise your content strategy as we see fit, creating long-form videos, blogs, or anything else — all from one coffee chat.)

(Well, this is the default and a great place to start. We can customise your content strategy as we see fit, creating long-form videos, blogs, or anything else — all from one coffee chat.)

Step 1: Before a new month begins, we hop in a video call and chat — over a coffee — about 12 topics (5 mins each) that demonstrate your expertise and value.

Step 2: I use the recording from our call to make 12 podcast-styled short-form videos (around 60 seconds), along with social media captions for each.

Step 2: I use the recording from our call to make 12 podcast-styled short-form videos (around 60 seconds), along with social media captions for each.

Step 2: I use the recording from our call to make 12 podcast-styled short-form videos (around 60 seconds), along with social media captions for each.

Step 3: You thumbs-up the content, post 3 vids a week on social media, and respond to the comments yourself — building awareness, community, and trust.

Step 3: You thumbs-up the content, post 3 vids a week on social media, and respond to the comments yourself — building awareness, community, and trust.

Step 3: You thumbs-up the content, post 3 vids a week on social media, and respond to the comments yourself — building awareness, community, and trust.

Step 1: Before a new month begins, we hop in a video call and chat — over a coffee — about 12 topics (5 mins each) that demonstrate your expertise and value.

Step 1: Before a new month begins, we hop in a video call and chat — over a coffee — about 12 topics (5 mins each) that demonstrate your expertise and value.

Content for Right Click

Content for Next Step VIP

Content for Right Click

Get your first day's content for free

Get your first day's content for free

Book a coffee date

Book a coffee date

No strings attached. Book a mini coffee date (30 mins), and I'll create one short-form video for you for free.

  • Ditch the awkward DIY videos that take half a day to make and never come out right anyway.

  • Communicate easily and naturally because we're just chatting about stuff you know inside and out.

  • Make this your whole content marketing strategy (you could avoid writing content entirely).

Ditch the awkward DIY videos that take half a day to make and never come out right anyway.

Communicate easily and naturally because we're just chatting about stuff you know inside and out.

Make this your whole content marketing strategy (you could avoid writing content entirely).


Do I need to prepare anything?

A little prep can't hurt. If you come to the chat with 12 topics you'd like to discuss, that'd help us stay on track. If you come with some "specifics" (case studies, stats, etc.), it'll help to ground your content, too. But even if you do zero prep, we could come up with 12 topics on the fly — stuff that's currently top of mind for you.

Do I need a good webcam and microphone?

The better your webcam and mic, the better the video, sure — but we don't need to create cinema-quality content here. The value of the insights you provide is much more imporant. And at the end of the day, it's better just to get started, to put something out there and improve as you go.

Can you post/publish the content for me?

It's better if you post the social media stuff because you're going to want to stick around for 15 or 20 minutes afterwards to respond to any comments. This is a great opportunity to engage with your market. As for the blogs themselves, we can discuss that, for sure.

Does it have to be a podcast-styled video (AKA an interview)?

Right now, I'm focusing on podcast-styled videos. Let's give it a go, and if you don't like it after your first full month, we can talk about a different approach.

Can we take it week by week, or do I have to strap myself in?

We can absolutely take it week by week. Marketing is experimenting, and we'll very likely adapt as we go. So yeah, I'm not gonna shackle you to anything.


Do I need to prepare anything?

A little prep can't hurt. If you come to the chat with 12 topics you'd like to discuss, that'd help us stay on track. If you come with some "specifics" (case studies, stats, etc.), it'll help to ground your content, too. But even if you do zero prep, we could come up with 12 topics on the fly — stuff that's currently top of mind for you.

Do I need a good webcam and microphone?

The better your webcam and mic, the better the video, sure — but we don't need to create cinema-quality content here. The value of the insights you provide is much more imporant. And at the end of the day, it's better just to get started, to put something out there and improve as you go.

Can you post/publish the content for me?

It's better if you post the social media stuff because you're going to want to stick around for 15 or 20 minutes afterwards to respond to any comments. This is a great opportunity to engage with your market. As for the blogs themselves, we can discuss that, for sure.

Does it have to be a podcast-styled video (AKA an interview)?

Right now, I'm focusing on podcast-styled videos. Let's give it a go, and if you don't like it after your first full month, we can talk about a different approach.

Can we take it week by week, or do I have to strap myself in?

We can absolutely take it week by week. Marketing is experimenting, and we'll very likely adapt as we go. So yeah, I'm not gonna shackle you to anything.

9 am to 4 pm AWST weekdays

ABN: 95728609173

©Nick Petrou 2024. All right reserved.